Church signs: Many more options than you might think

While there is a great deal of joy to be had in working with a variety of businesses, there's something special about working with a church to create a comprehensive strategy for church signs. No client is more invested or engaged in their work than a church — and that rubs off on everyone involved in the project. The signage specialists at Envision Orlando are passionate about their work and we love it when people can match our level of enthusiasm. That's almost never an issue when your client is a church, which is great because there is a huge variety of signage options that are extremely effective in a church setting. When you think of church signs, the first thing that might come to mind is an exterior sign with changeable words. Those signs — used to inform or, often, entertain people passing by — definitely have a place, but they are just one of so many signage types in the church sign toolbox. Wayfinding signs are super critical — especially in and a...